All posts tagged: interiors

Hôtel Providence, Paris

I’ve always been a dormant francophile, significantly less dormant in the last few weeks. In an attempt to make household chores more ‘fun’, I started playing French music, and so went down the Parisian rabbit hole – and have yet to come out. Longing for a return to Paris, I’ve been living vicariously through French design, French music, and French film. And lusting at Paris’ most beautiful French hotels.

Celebrating Japanese Minimalism

Our lives are a throng of activity. Roads are busier, days are overloaded from 9 till 5, inboxes are flooded. For too long I’ve tried to do everything. But it’s not working for me anymore. I’m performing at a sub-optimal level. If I look at my diary on a Monday morning and the schedule is too busy and there’s too much on, I feel anxious, and anxiety doesn’t work for me either. In honour of this new revelation, I am pursuing the art of minimalism.

Douglas and Bec

I’ve been quite pathetic about my home’s interiors. I moved in four years ago with the greatest plans, but there are still unframed prints that need to be hung (and framed), dead plants and too much cat hair. I’m challenging myself to Get. Shit. Done. It needs attention. And Douglas and Bec is my inspiration. 

A Minimalist Bachelor Apartment by M-3 Architects

M-3 Architectural&Construction Group is a Ukraine-based firm with a foundation in minimalist and functional design. I came across this bachelor pad whilst compiling a Design Find for House & Garden. It came in a week where I’d had numerous ‘a ha’ moments, and felt the definitive pull to become a minimalist (more on this later). It is quite possibly the most beautiful and sophisticated space I have ever seen.