All posts tagged: minimalism

Becoming a Minimalist

Towards the latter part of last year, I was able to put into words, for the first time, that I suffered from emptiness. After struggling with depression and ongoing mood episodes for years, it was always a fight to find balance. But I never found balance, and try as I may – even with the right meds and healthcare and everything in between – the sadness purveyed. I realised then that perhaps it wasn’t sadness at all, it wasn’t even loneliness. I was just aridly empty, and exhausted from trying to fill the desolation.

Celebrating Japanese Minimalism

Our lives are a throng of activity. Roads are busier, days are overloaded from 9 till 5, inboxes are flooded. For too long I’ve tried to do everything. But it’s not working for me anymore. I’m performing at a sub-optimal level. If I look at my diary on a Monday morning and the schedule is too busy and there’s too much on, I feel anxious, and anxiety doesn’t work for me either. In honour of this new revelation, I am pursuing the art of minimalism.

A Minimalist Bachelor Apartment by M-3 Architects

M-3 Architectural&Construction Group is a Ukraine-based firm with a foundation in minimalist and functional design. I came across this bachelor pad whilst compiling a Design Find for House & Garden. It came in a week where I’d had numerous ‘a ha’ moments, and felt the definitive pull to become a minimalist (more on this later). It is quite possibly the most beautiful and sophisticated space I have ever seen.