Month: January 2017

Becoming a Minimalist

Towards the latter part of last year, I was able to put into words, for the first time, that I suffered from emptiness. After struggling with depression and ongoing mood episodes for years, it was always a fight to find balance. But I never found balance, and try as I may – even with the right meds and healthcare and everything in between – the sadness purveyed. I realised then that perhaps it wasn’t sadness at all, it wasn’t even loneliness. I was just aridly empty, and exhausted from trying to fill the desolation.

The Roundhouse Theatre Celebrates 50 Years

Last year, 50 years after opening as a groundbreaking new arts venue in London, The Roundhouse theatre celebrated its half-century with a series of plans and commemorations. The Camden theatre asked the public to share its memories of the theatre, collating accounts, images and recordings from gig goers, local residents and performers. It also dug into its archives for an enormous collection of posters from across the decades. 

Isabelle Menin

We know the words, the reality has become customary: we live in a media saturated world. It’s a life of constant exposure to new brands, languages, ideals and innovations. We are spoilt with content. Overexposed. But sometimes, amidst the blurry haze of content, there comes a find so jarringly clear, and so unlike anything else, that one simply has to stop. In this case, it’s Isabelle Menin.

Hôtel Providence, Paris

I’ve always been a dormant francophile, significantly less dormant in the last few weeks. In an attempt to make household chores more ‘fun’, I started playing French music, and so went down the Parisian rabbit hole – and have yet to come out. Longing for a return to Paris, I’ve been living vicariously through French design, French music, and French film. And lusting at Paris’ most beautiful French hotels.

NYE at The Shortmarket Club

I love a good dress up. On the cusp of 2017 my boyfriend Barry treated me to the ultimate New Year’s Eve dinner party. The Shortmarket Club, Cape Town’s most stylish and Gatsby-esque fine dining destination (read my review of it here), opened its doors to a select crowd for a themed night of eating, drinking, dancing and celebrating. It was magical!