Year: 2016

50 x City Bowl by Lucie de Moyencourt

Chandler House is a small design studio and shop located in Cape Town’s Church Street. The brainchild of Michael Chandler, a man I admire so much for whistling his own tune and doing it with ethereal style, Chandler House holds regular exhibitions and a changing selection of some of the most beautiful locally-made homeware, artisanal gifts, antiques, textiles and a wide selection of fine art. The 18th century Cape Georgian building houses the Voorkamer Gallery, where monthly exhibitions take place. This month features one of my most favourite local artists, the cute and quirky Lucie de Moyencourt, highlighting 50 ink drawings of Cape Town’s city bowl.

Celebrating Japanese Minimalism

Our lives are a throng of activity. Roads are busier, days are overloaded from 9 till 5, inboxes are flooded. For too long I’ve tried to do everything. But it’s not working for me anymore. I’m performing at a sub-optimal level. If I look at my diary on a Monday morning and the schedule is too busy and there’s too much on, I feel anxious, and anxiety doesn’t work for me either. In honour of this new revelation, I am pursuing the art of minimalism.

Douglas and Bec

I’ve been quite pathetic about my home’s interiors. I moved in four years ago with the greatest plans, but there are still unframed prints that need to be hung (and framed), dead plants and too much cat hair. I’m challenging myself to Get. Shit. Done. It needs attention. And Douglas and Bec is my inspiration. 

Outrage of Modesty

Alliance Brands Limited is doing such imaginative things. I’m quite partial to the brand, on a personal level, but also because it’s successfully created really beautiful and original spaces in Cape Town. It’s also exposed us to interesting and different brands, from coffee to alcohol to apparel. One of its finest achievements is Outrage of Modesty, a chic and sophisticated cocktail bar that’s restyled our definition of cocktail making.

The Sneaky Sausage

The Cape Town food scene is ever evolving. We are so spoilt for choice, and new places open on the regular. It feels pretty saturated, and impossible to visit every new place – the pressure is large. The Sneaky Sausage however is new and cool (in a rad, unpretentious way) and my new go-to hang out. A modern take on the German beerhall, it’s a no-mess, no-fuss, no-frills kind of place, and yes, it serves sausage. 

Lim + Lu

I discovered this space on Pinterest: a simple, chic interior with pops of colour and metallic accents. I did some research, and it serves as both a home and a showroom for Hong Kong-based design studio Lim + Lu. Located in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, it’s both modern and quirky; an inspiring space using unconventional colours.

Still Life with Sharyn Cairns

The phrase ‘still life’ conjures up such fond memories for me. It takes me back to art practicals in high school, where I dried out mielies in the weeks leading up to it to create texture and a notion of abandoned abundance. In my mind, still lifes are all about the wrinkles and layers and sustenance and… fun. Sharyn Cairns, a world renowned Australian photographer, takes the nostalgic idea of still life and brings it to a beautiful, breathtaking photographic reality.

A Minimalist Bachelor Apartment by M-3 Architects

M-3 Architectural&Construction Group is a Ukraine-based firm with a foundation in minimalist and functional design. I came across this bachelor pad whilst compiling a Design Find for House & Garden. It came in a week where I’d had numerous ‘a ha’ moments, and felt the definitive pull to become a minimalist (more on this later). It is quite possibly the most beautiful and sophisticated space I have ever seen.